The mission of the Ushering Ministry is to provide comfort and promote the fellowship necessary in God’s house. Church Ushers are doorkeepers in the house of God, and guard same at all times. As an officer of the church, the usher aids the Pastor by “ministering” to the congregation to ensure a right attitude and spirit for receiving the proclaimed message.
This is done in such ways as: Greeting persons with a smile. Extending a warm welcome and directing people to a comfortable seat. Maintaining order at all times, for God is not the author of confusion. A good usher must have Christ-like minds with Christ-like ways, and is like a lamp on a stand, “not put under a bushel, but on a candlestick that giveth light unto all that are in the house.”
(Matthew 5:15). The Usher must make “oneself a committee of one, to help one another” in fulfilling God’s plan of teaching and serving. (Deaconess Agnes Richardson)