Women's Ministry is designed for the specific purpose of reaching, teaching, encouraging, equipping and unifying women; until we all attain oneness in
April 29, 2015The mission of the Ushering Ministry is to provide comfort and promote the fellowship necessary in God's house. Church Ushers are doorkeepers in the h
April 29, 2015The purpose of the Transportation Ministry is to provide transportation for members and visitors to and from church services and activities as request
April 29, 2015The Trustee Ministry shall in accordance with the power of the Holy Spirit, collect, receive, process and deposit all tithes, offerings and contributi
April 29, 2015The Singles’ Ministry of New Shiloh is primarily focused on the special needs and concerns of single Men and Women of the church. The ministry provi
April 29, 2015The Mission of the Scholarship Ministry is to work with the Youth Ministry using Prov. 22:6 as our guide. We strive to recognize the academic accompli
April 29, 2015